伪满皇帝行宫 伪满皇帝行宫:位于临江大栗子镇,是中国末代皇帝爱新觉罗•溥仪充当伪满洲国傀儡皇帝,逃到大栗子的寓所旧址。在东北抗日战争即将取得最后胜利的时刻,伪满洲国皇帝爱新觉罗o溥仪率领大臣和宫内府眷属与部分伪满洲国的日系-,职员及卫队600余人,于1945年8月11日从长春(伪满国都--新京)仓皇出逃,13日至达他们认为最安全的大栗子沟来避难,本想能残喘一时,以待重报"皇威"。不料,第三天,便传来了日本侵略者无条件投降的消息。如同丧家之犬的溥仪也随之神情沮丧地宣读了退位主诏书。从此,伪满洲国崩溃0,二千年的皇帝专治彻底划上句号。伪满皇帝行宫,将向你详细介绍日本人愚弄、出卖溥仪那段鲜为人知的退位后出逃日本的历史。这是一座遗址展览馆,现在已经成为临江市颇具特色的旅游景点和重要的爱国主义教育基地。展览馆内陈列着溥仪的"退位诏书",伪满国旗、伪满皇帝登基礼服及大量图片说明等珍贵文物史料,记载了白山绿水遭受蹂躏的屈辱历史,是日本帝国主义侵略中国,掠夺资源,-民众的历史见证。 Xanadu of the Puppet State of Manchukuo Emperor It is located in Da Lizi Town, and it was once where the last emperor of Manchukuo in China, Puyi lived who escaped to Da Lizi when he was puppet emperor of Manchukuo. At the last moment of final success of War of Resistance against Japan.in northeastern China, Puyi led his ministers, family dependants and parts of Japanese officials, staff, armed escort, more than 600 people in all to escape from Changchun( Capital of Manchukuo), on 8 11 th,1945. Then they arrived Da Lizi which they think as the safest place for asylum. They believed that they could take a rest here and rebuild “the emperor’s majesty”. However, there goes the news that the Japanese invaders surrendered unconditionally on the third day. Puyi, who is just like an outcast, read out the abdicant rescript. Thence, Manchukuo fell apart, and emperor dictatorship for 2000years came to an end. Manchukuo Emperor Xanadu will introduce the recondite history after Puyi’s abdication how Japanese fooled, and betrayed him. This is an ancient ruins exhibition hall, but now it becomes the idiomatical tour scenic spot and vital patriotism base. In the exhibition there exhibit Puyi’s abdicant rescript, flag of Manchukuo, Manchukuo Emperor’s enthronization ceremonial clothing and lots of picture instructions, which records humiliating history of destroyed waters and hills, and also the witness of history of Japanese invaders’ rude act on Chinese people, such as invaded our land, raped our resources, and killed our people. 贾家营瀑布