四明山森林公园地处四明山腹地,海拔在600—900米之间,形成独特的高山气候,夏季平均气温低于平原地区6℃—8℃,是炎炎酷暑里的一片清凉世界。 四明山森林资源丰富,生态环境优良,山青、水秀、谷幽、岩奇、瀑壮,有“天然氧吧”和“避暑胜地”之美称,自然生态景观遍布全区。 SiMing National Park is located in the heart of SiMing Mountain, which has an altitude of 600-900 meters. Due to unique alp climate, average temperature in Summer is lower than that of plain area by 6℃-8℃,So it has become a great summer getaway. SiMing Mountain, abundant with forestresources, clear water, Quiet valleys, rare cliffs, and grand waterfalls,Has Gained its name of "natural oxygen bar". 地址:余姚市四明山镇 电话:0574-62340889 门票(联票):35元 自驾车线路:沪杭甬高速公路—余姚—南雷路—谭家岭西路—浒溪线(梁弄)—四明山镇—森林公园 公交车线路:高速车(火车)—余姚坐公交车102到汽车南站坐直达四明山镇班车。 ADD: Simingshan Mount town of Yuyao TEL:0574-62340889 Self-drive line: Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo express way—Yuyao—Nanlei road—Tanjialin west road—Xuxi line—Simingshan Mount town—forest park Bus line: express way or railway to Yuyao, take 102 bus to south bus station, then take a direct bus to Mount town of Yuyao. 田螺山遗址